Frich Reveals: Dry January Dilemmas
As we dive into the new year, many of us are embracing Dry January – a month dedicated to abstaining from alcohol. But how does this impact our social lives and wallets? Let's take a look at what Frichies had to say about their Dry January experiences.
Spending money on mocktails during Dry January is:
Dry January is a popular time to take a break from alcohol, but what about those fancy mocktails? Opinions are split right down the middle. Nearly half of you see mocktails as a fun alternative to keep your social life buzzing without the booze. After all, who doesn't love a good mocktail with friends? On the flip side, a slight majority think spending money on mocktails is a waste. Why pay for a drink without the buzz, right? It's a classic debate of fun versus frugality.
How do you split a dinner bill if only some people are drinking alcohol?
Ah, the age-old question of splitting the dinner bill. It's already tricky enough debating whether to split the bill or pay for your own food, but adding the Dry January factor makes it even more complicated. When it comes to dining out with friends, how do you handle the bill if only some people are drinking alcohol? Just over half of you prefer to split the bill evenly, keeping things simple and avoiding any awkward conversations. Meanwhile, the rest of you opt to ask the waiter for separate checks to ensure everyone pays for what they consumed. It's all about finding what works best for your group and keeping the peace at the table.
What would you do with money saved from Dry January?
So, you've managed to save some cash by skipping the booze this month. What do you do with those extra dollars? Frichies had some interesting ideas. Some of you would splurge on something special for yourself – we all deserve to treat ourselves once in a while! Others would put the money into savings or investments, thinking long-term and building that financial cushion. A good number of you would use the savings to pay off credit card debt, making a smart move to reduce financial stress. Interestingly, quite a few of you admitted that you don't actually end up saving money during Dry January. Those mocktails can clearly add up!
Dry January can be a great way to reset and save some money, but opinions on handling the financial side vary. Whether you're team mocktail or team water, splitting the bill evenly or asking for separate checks, it's all about finding what works best for you and your friends. So, how did you handle Dry January?